Who am I?

I'm Lauren White - eCommerce Artist from Michigan, USA. 

Paintings, drawing and comic(Manga) are always inspired me since my childhood. I took art classes for years - From Bulman Elementary school, in Michigan to Portland high school, in Maine. I won a few awards from art contests at schools. I went college in Macomb for developing my art skills and get my photographer certification since began in 2013. I determined to began to sell my artworks, shows and inspiring to the best person in the universe world just like you!

Years ago, I always love watching my favorite anime shows and movies at all the time. I found a new hobby in my childhood - drawings and painting. When I started as being an artist since my childhood then evolved into a real passion and a creative business later on. I started to convey my ideas and motive to the world through painting and drawings. I'm still gonna keep going and work hard as much as I can! My dream must have to come true in someday!